Life Insurance
Are you in need of life insurance in Medina?
Not all life insurance policies are the same. Let us help make sure your loved ones are protected.
Anyone who has dependents and assets and liabilities should have some kind of life insurance policy.
We become accustomed to living a certain way and others depend on us to maintain this lifestyle as a unit. Should the unexpected happen, what happens to that lifestyle? With the right life insurance policy in place, you can have the peace of mind that your family will have the financial stability to go on.
What are some of the benefits of Life Insurance?
- Coverage for funeral expenses and medical bills
- Keeping assets like homes, cars, and other important assets.
- Keeping education or future plans intact.
- Paying off a mortgage, credit card debt, or other outstanding loans
- Leaving your family in the best position to operate to move on in your absence.
How hard is it to get a Life Insurance policy?
The Lazor Agency staff makes shopping for life insurance easy. We are highly trained to assist you in understanding life insurance and which Life insurance products are best suited to financially protect your loved ones should you unexpectedly pass away.
Which Life Insurance product is the best?
Every person is different and there are many different life insurance products. That is why it’s important to be thorough and ask you specific questions tailored to a solid understanding of who you are, how you live, and what’s important to you. We then shop multiple insurance carriers to find the life insurance products that provide maximum benefits at the best rates.

Why should you talk to us about
life Insurance options in Medina?
- We work with many of the top-rated insurance carriers nationwide.
- We sell life insurance products, but we work for you.
- we have no allegiances to any one insurance company.
- we take the time to know you to correctly assess your insurance needs.
Work with an insurance agency that has been providing solid life insurance guidance to the medina community for over 30 years.
Call us today (330) 722-4444
request a life Insurance Quote in medina
Different types of life insurance products
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance provides protection for a specific period of time or term. It is most often sold in -10,-15, -20, and -30 year terms. The premium stays the same throughout the term. If the insured person dies during this period, the beneficiaries receive the proceeds income tax-free. At the end of each term, the insured may renew the policy (generally at a higher cost) up to age 95.
Whole Life Insurance
Whole life is the most common type of permanent life insurance. With whole life insurance, your premium payments remain the same over the life of the policy. You can choose how often you’d like to make premium payments, too – annually, semiannually, quarterly or monthly. Some whole life policies can be paid up after a certain number of years. When you purchase a policy, you’ll know how the cash value will grow over the life of your policy.
Term Life Insurance
Universal life insurance provides permanent life insurance protection and access to tax-deferred cash values. We offer two types of universal life insurance, fixed and flexible.
Whole Life Insurance
Variable universal life insurance is a life insurance product with investment features. It’s designed to help you protect your family’s future with life insurance – and give you access to professionally managed investments that can help you accumulate money for your future needs. You can use the policy for many of your planned financial needs, such as supplemental retirement planning solutions, business planning solutions, long-term care and education funding.