When most people purchase car insurance, they pay the premiums and give little thought to the details of the policy. But when an accident occurs, those details can make all the difference when facing a lawsuit or filing a claim. In many cases, knowing how your insurance can help you can save you not only thousands of dollars, but endless worry as well. To understand how car accidents and insurance go hand-in-hand, here are some important points to remember.

Contacting the Insurance Company

Once you’ve finished up at the accident scene and spoken with the other driver and the police if needed, it’s time to contact the insurance company. If the other driver was at fault, you should contact their insurance company to file your claim. However, it’s also a good idea to contact your insurance company as well, especially if you’ve been injured in an accident. By doing so, you’ll be able to take advantage of any additional coverage you may have for the accident.

Who Determines Fault?

While many people assume the police determine who was at fault in an accident, insurance companies tend to go by the recommendations of their adjuster. It’s important to remember that the police and insurance companies don’t always agree as to who was at fault, so this can play in your favor. By not being intimidated when speaking with an adjuster, you may be able to come out with a claim that’s much better than you anticipated. According to Injury Attorneys, “car crashes can range from slight fender benders to devastating collisions that alter the lives of those involved forever, be it catastrophic injury or the wrongful death of any of the individuals involved.”

Don’t be the one at fault and drive with greater care.

Do Car Accidents Affect My Insurance Rates?

Depending upon the circumstances surrounding your accident and how many previous claims you’ve had in recent years, the accident may affect your insurance rates. In many accidents, if you filed a comprehensive claim, the accident will generally not be considered your fault, which will keep your insurance rates at their current amount. But if for any reason you were found to be at fault, your rates will only be affected for about three years, so it’s not an obstacle that can’t be overcome in a short period of time.

What About My Driving Record?

If you weren’t at fault, your driving record will not reflect the accident. And even if it does go on your driving record, most states only keep it on there for one or two years.

By knowing how your insurance can help you in the event of an accident, you’ll not only save yourself lots of worry, but potentially plenty of money as well.

As always, you can always call the Lazor Insurance office at (330) 722-4444.